Transportation Solutions

TailoredTransportation Solutions

Moving Chaps specializes in offering comprehensive transportation solutions tailored for storage companies lacking in-house transport capabilities.

Our site is currently located in Bath and covers the University of Bath and Bath Spa University as well as UWE in nearby Bristol.

Our bespoke services extend to negotiating with large organizations, such as universities, that cater to a substantial number of students, providing an all-encompassing package of storage and transportation.

Where necessary, Moving Chaps delivers added value by deploying personnel directly to client premises.

This ensures the meticulous management of shared user storage units, enhancing efficiency and service quality. Our operation is rooted in flexibility, reliability, and the seamless integration of our services into our clients’ offerings, thereby elevating their customer satisfaction and operational efficacy.

There are plans to roll this program out in all University towns, with our Oxford Office opening next year.

Let's move together.

Choose MoVE IT for your delivery needs and experience the difference that comes with a service that truly cares. Using local people for the benefit of local people and businesses.

get in touch for a personalised service

We offer an unparalleled portfolio of services using trusted local people from our community.